Upgrade for existing buffing units. Thanks to the design and a coordinated combination of fibers, impurities in the joint area are removed and previously applied, process-relevant liquids are absorbed. Flat and deeply textured surfaces, as well as matt to high-gloss decors, are cleaned gently but effectively.

»Next Gen« Buffing

Residue-free edge processing with a very good price-performance ratio

Before After

Texture Finish consists of a spraying system and a brush combination. The liquid prevents the adhesive from sticking to the workpiece and keeps the brushes free of residues. The brushes remove adhesive residue in the joint area and absorb previously applied liquids. Retrofitting is almost always possible without any problems. Depending on the installation situation, the space required for the spraying system is approx. 80mm. To assemble the brush set, simply replace the existing buffing wheels. This design means that the system can be retrofitted to almost all edge banding machines.