Our Finish Quality Your perfect workpiece

Our latest product:

RIEPE Texture Finish brushes and workpiece

Our team is creative and proficient - and only has one thing on his mind:

Edge processing machine in a schematic representation. The Riepe chemical products are color-coded and correctly positioned.
Illustration of an Edgebanding machine
Before formatting

Release agent LPZ/II

After gluing

Antistatic Coolant LP289/99

Pressure roller and edge

Lubricant NFLY

Behind the profile scraper

Cleaning agent LP163/93

RIEPE on site

RIEPE on site

First aid for fine nozzles

First aid for fine nozzles

the RIEPE Spirit

the RIEPE Spirit

News from RIEPE

News from RIEPE

The perfect finish quality

The perfect finish quality

We live

We have the know-how, the team and the product for Finish Quality in the woodworking industry.

Trust through know-how

Our basis for knowledge and expertise is the close relationship with our customers and worldwide cooperation with manufacturers. RIEPE® - Your process-oriented team!

Our Team means proficiency

Our team consists of specialists in the individual machining processes who ensure that we create perfect solutions for you with intelligence and passion.

Our products - no compromises

To guarantee your process reliability, we only use the highest quality raw materials and materials for our products.

RIEPE on site

You can also meet us in person. We exhibit our products at various trade fairs and information events. You can meet us here soon:

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First aid for fine nozzles

What do I do if my nozzle stops spraying? In many cases, a nozzle that no longer sprays can be easily reactivated. Here we…

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the RIEPE Spirit

Over 30 years of experience in the woodworking industry makes RIEPE® a reliable partner. Our quality standards are not only reflected in the careful…

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February 28, 2024

News from RIEPE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.…

  • Strategy

    Edge processing, mechanical engineering

  • Design

    Edging technology

  • Client


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The perfect finish quality

Together with the edgeband and machine manufacturers, we have found the way to the perfect edge. With the cooperation of our spray nozzles and…

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